Nachem dr länge Wanderig ufem Kungsleden simer es paar Wuche zimlech kaputt gsi. D Muskle und Glänk hei ungefähr 4 Wuche brucht, bis sie sich chli erhout hei agfüehlt. Dr Freddy het d Nase voll gha vo schlächtem Wätter und Zäut-Läbe. Jedes mau wemer imene Huus si gsi, het mä nä fasch nüm use bracht. 4 Wuche lang simer aui zämä e chli bequem gsi - aber das ghört ja o derzue zu somene Erläbnis. Mir hei üs de chönne freue ufe Familiebsuech u zwar in Schwede!
After the long hike on Kungsleden we were quite exhausted for several weeks. Muscles and joints took around 4 weeks to recover. Freddy was visibly fed up with walking through bad weather and sleeping in a small tent. Every time we spent time in a house we had a hard time convincing him to move on when it was time to leave. During 4 weeks the three of us were quite lazy - but we thought this is very much part of such an experience. We also had something to looking forward to: family visit, here in Sweden!
Bsunders schön - mini Eutere hei i ihrne Ferie in Schwede ihre säuber usbout Fiat Ducato mau überne lengeri Zyt chönne probe-bewohne.
It was especially nice that my parents came to join us during their holiday in their Fiat Ducato on which the interior work was all done by my dad. It was the first lenghty holiday for the new van.
Mir si vo Südschwede langsam nach Stockholm greist, hei derzwüsche e churze Abstächer uf Öland gmacht und si när no nordweschtlich vo Stockholm unterwägs gsi zämä.
We travelled from the very south of Sweden towards Stockholm. On the route we made a quick stop on Öland and after Stockholm we travelled on for a while towards north-west.
Das idyllische Plätzli hie het ei grosse Nachteil gha: Flöige i aune Forme, Farbe und Grössine und vor allem i grosser Azahl.
The lovely spot on those pictures had a big drawback: an army of flies of all kinds.
das Wanderwägsschild hinterlaht es mulmigs Gfüehl - aber villicht wartet dr Sensemaa ja nume uf Männer??
the following hiking sign gave us the creeps. But maybe death awaits only male hikers??
I de nächschte paar Biuder steue ig dr Vanusbou vom Ducato vor. Mi Vater het viu Zyt investiert und sich ganz viu überleit. Nach dene 3 Wuche unterwägs isch är hei und het nüm viu müesse apasse.
In the next few pictures you can see how the Ducato is built. My dad invested a lot of planning and time - with the result that once back home after the holiday he didn't have to adjust a lot.
Viu Stouruum im und am Outo erloube ihne nid nume d Velos mit z näh, sondern ono mehreri Kayak, e ufblasbare Kanadier und es SUP.
There's a lot of storage space inside and also outside of the car. This allows them to take their bikes, several kayaks, an inflatable canoe and a SUP.
Ds Bett laht sich la useklappe, drunter gits näbeme WC o wieder ganz viu Stouruum.
The bed can be folded out at night. Beneath it there's a toliet and more storage space.
Sie hei sogar e Bachofe!!! Dä heimer de o bi jedere Glägeheit igsetzt - Bärner Züpfe, Lasagne, Gmües im Ofe, Brathärdöpfle...
They even carry an oven!!! Of course we used it as many time as we could - we made butter braid, lasagne, vegetable and roast potatoes...
Das si d Belüftigslöcher, damits ir Nacht nid zu stickig oder zu füecht wird.
Z einzige was no fäut isch e schöne Name füre Ducato!
Z einzige was no fäut isch e schöne Name füre Ducato!
These are ventilation holes in order to have fresh air at night and also as a prevention against dampness. The only thing missing is an original name for the Ducato!
Ganz viu schöni Stellplätze heimer gfunde...
We found a lot of very beautiful camp spots.
Und mit de zwöi Boot heimer jedi Glägeheit gnutzt wos gä het fürs Fische.
And used all spare time to go fishing.
I ha e Glücksträffer gha miteme zimlech grosse Egli.
I got lucky and landed a pretty big perch.
Dr Tawan muess no chli am Lächle schaffe...
Tawan should do something about his smile...
Während däm mir viu Fotos vo üsne Fäng hei gmacht het dr Vati sini Zyt lieber voll is Fische gsteckt und isch zu jedere Tageszyt im Boot ghocket u het o viu Erfolg gha.
During the time we spent for taking pictures of our caught fish my dad prefered staying in his boat and fish some more - no matter what time of day or night. And we have to admit he was also pretty successful!
O in Stockholm simer nomal verbi.
We made a daytrip to Stockholm.
Während 3 Wuche simer nume 1 Nacht ufem Camping gstande, süsch heimer immer "wiudi" Plätzli gfunde. Und dank em wunderschöne Summerwätter isches e Gnuss gsi u mir hei jede Tag chönne i de See ga schwümme.
During the 3 weeks we only spent one night on an official campsite. Otherwise we parked wild - and thanks to good summer weather it was a pleasure and we could enjoy swimming in the lakes every day.
Mir hei dr rot Mond bim ufgah beobachtet...
We observed the red moon rising above the horizon...
... u si es Kilo Himbeeri am Waldrand ga abläse.
... and picked 1 kg of raspberry growing along the forest.
Im Store Mosse Nationalpark simer ga loufe..
We went for a hike in Store Mosse Nationalpark.
O gfreut heimer üs übere Bsuech vo Tawans Muetter.
We were also very happy to see Tawans mom again.
Danke viumau für die schöni Zyt u dass dir üs sit cho bsueche!
Thank you so much for the good time and the fact that you came to visit us!
Hie heimer d Kamera ufs Stativ montiert, dr 10-sekündig Selbstuslöser igsetzt u de ha ig müesse luege dassis i 10 Sekunde o ufd Brügg schaffe...
Here we put the camera on our tripod, set the self-timer to 10 seconds and then I had to sprint in order to make it onto the bridge in time...
Leider hets de nid so glängt wie ig mir das vorgstellt ha.
Unfortunately that's how far I got - not the way I imagined.
Das Foto isch de entstande wo dr Tawan dr Part mitem Sekkle het übernoh.
We managed to take the picture only when Tawan had a go at the 10-second sprint.
Mir hei die letschte Täg in Schwede sehr gnosse.
We enjoyed the last days in Sweden a lot.
So schön isches gsi. Gnosse heimer vor auem d Rueh, d Natur, d Begägnige mit de Tier und de offene, aber sehr respektvolle Mönsche. Mir si im Juli vor Ort gsi, zure Zyt wo ganz Schwede vore grosse Mängi a Wohnmobil us ganz Europa isch überschwemmt worde. Sehr bewundernswärt heimer gfunde, dass trotz dene viune Touriste (üs zeui natürlich o derzue), d Schwede enorm fründlich blibe u sich immer no ufrichtig derfür interessiert hei, wohär mir chöme und wo mir scho gsi si. Danke Schwede du wunderschöns Land, mir chöme irgendwenn wieder!
Dismau simer via Öresundbrügg us Skandinavie usegfahre - mit Destination Berlin. Meh derzue z nächschte mau...
It was a wonderful time here in Sweden. We mostly enjoyed the calmness, nature, encounters with wildlife and also with the very openminded but respecting people of Sweden. We were also there during July - a time during which the entire country of Sweden was flooded by a horde of campers from all parts of Europe (of course we are not excluding ourselves). Even then the people of Sweden remained friendly and were still sincerely interested in where we come from and where we'd already been. Thank you Sweden for being such a wonderful country - we will be back one day!
This time we left Scandinavia via the famous Öresund-Bridge - with destination Berlin. More on this next time...
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