Vor Türkei nach Schwede zu de Rentier

Zletscht heimer üs gmäudet wo mir ir Türkei si gsi, itz simer scho wieder in Schwede. D "Überfahrt" isch zwar scho es Zytli gange, aber üs isches scho sehr schnäu vorcho, so innerhalb vo 1.5 Wuche so wyt z fahre. Fasch chli wie e Langdistanz-Flug.
Es paar Täg "Pouse" hei mir in Rumänie gmacht - es wunderschöns Land, o wemer nume e Bruchteil dervo gseh hei. Mir hei üs alti Holz-Chilchene agluegt, si am Dracula-Schloss verbi cho, hei imene bekannte Bärewald übernachtet (aber ke Bär gseh), e fröhliche Friedhof agluegt und es Loch im Pneu gflickt.

Last time we wrote on the blog we were back in Turkey, now we are already in Sweden. The "transit" lastet for a while, but we felt it was very fast. Travelling so far within 1.5 weeks felt almost like a long-distance flight.
We made a short break during a few days in Romania - a beautiful country, even though we only saw a fraction. We visited old wooden churches, passed by the castle of Dracula, slept in a forest full of bears (without seeing one), visited a happy cemetery and fixed a hole in our tire.

E zwöiti Pouse heimer dörfe in Berlin mache bi üsne Bekanntschafte Sina und Arkoudi. Wär scho lang ufpasst bi üs wird bim Name "Arkoudi" stocke - ja das isch das chline Büssi wo es Plätzli im Reisebus vo üsne Fründe Sina und Alexander het becho. Mittlerwile hei sich die Drü es Projekt in Uganda uf d Bei gstellt und wärde es Jahr dert verbringe. Glück heimer gha, zmingscht d Sina und d Arkoudi in Berlin daheime nomal chönne z bsueche. Mir si 2 Täg verwöhnt worde - als Reisendi het d Sina natürlich ganz gnau gwüsst mit was sie üs e riese Freud cha mache - ruehigs Sightseeing, e Duschi, feins Ässä und e Adresse für e chli Wander-Usrüschtig chönne häre z bstelle. Danke dir viumau für die schöni Zyt in Berlin (o wenns vil z churz isch gsi)!

A second break we were allowed in Berlin with our friends Sina and Arkoudi. If you have been reading our blog for a while you might remember the name "Arkoudi" - yes, it's the cute little kitten back from Greece who found a place in the heart and car of our friends Sina and Alexander. In between the three have found a new project in Uganda where they will be spending one year. We were lucky enough to see Sina and Arkoudi again in their home in Berlin. During 2 days Sina did her best to spoil us with everything a travellers heart could desire - calm sightseeing in nature, a shower, excellent food and a postal address to be able to order some hiking-gear to. Thank you so much for the wonderful time we were able to spend in Berlin (even if it was much too short)!

Nachem Stopp in Berlin heimer üs ufene Fähri zwüsche Sassnitz und Ystad gsetzt - und si in Schwede acho. Gnosse heimer dasses hie obe chli chüeler isch aus ir Türkei - und vor auem o die Rueh wo die schöne Wälder und d See usstrahle.

After our break in Berlin we hopped on a ferry from Sassnitz to Ystad - and finally arrived in Sweden. We enjoyed mostly that the weather was a bit cooler again than back in Turkey and the calm resulting from the beautiful lakes and forests of Sweden.

Üses nächschte sportliche Ziel, dr Kungsleden z wandere (450 km), forderet natürlich einiges a Vorbereitig. Unter anderem Training im Rucksacktrage - o füre Freddy.

Our next ambition - to hike the 450 km long Kungsleden trail demands some preparation. Amongst many things we are doing some training to be able to carry a backpack - even Freddy has to join in.

I de wyte schwedische Wälder findt mä mängisch ganz härzigi Dekoratione.

In swedish forests sometimes you can find very cute decorations.

Und natürlich ganz viu verschiedeni Wildtier.

And of course many different wild animals.

Hie es paar Iblicke i üse Ufenthalt in Stockholm.

Now some impressions of our stay in Stockholm.

Die gröschti Überraschig isch gsi, dasses so viu Pärk git und i jedem Park e "Hundrastgården" - Hundepärk, schön izuunt so dass d Hünd ohni Sorge chöi zämä spiele soviu dass sie wei. Nach es paar Täg ohni Hundekontakt isch dr Freddy Energieglade umegsprunge und het aui andere Hünd und Hundehalter amüsiert.

The biggest surprise was the many very green parks - and in each park there's a "Hundrastgården" - a dogpark, nicely fenced so that the dogs can play as much as they like. After some days without contact with other dogs Freddy was filled with energy and ran around like crazy, amusing the other dogs and especially the dogowners.

Die chlinschti Statue vor ganze Stadt, "Iron Boy".

The smallest statue of the city, "iron boy".

Dr Freddy isch no rächt es Landei. In Stockholm hets ganz viu verschideni Statue in Hundeform. Dr Freddy isch jedere Statue fründlich ga "Hallo" säge, het sä beschnüfflet. Biser de gmerkt het, dass öppis nid stimmt, ischer aube vore haube Fuessgängerzone usglachet worde. 

Freddy belongs to the countryside - he proved that in Stockholm. There is an incredible number of statues in dog-shape around Stockholm - and Freddy politely greeted each one of them - sniffing and everything. At the moment he suspected something was wrong all people around were already laughing at him.

Ds eltischte Lüchtsignal vo Schwede:

The oldest flash-sign of Sweden:

No ir Region Stockholm heimer es paar Wartige a üsem Outo gmacht. S si verschiedeni Sache agstande: Ölwächsel, Zahnriemewächsel und e Wächsel vor Wasserpumpi sowie e Erneuerig vom ganze Chüelwasser. Au das heimer ire Abe-Nachtschicht chönne mache. Dr Wächsel vor Wasserpumpi het sich e chli ufdrängt, nachdäm mir Sprützer vom Chüelwasser im Motorruum ufgfunde hei. Sehr glücklich, dass die heikli Arbeit erfolgrich het chönne abgschlosse wärde simer de wyter nordwärts gfahre.

Still in the region of Stockholm we had to complete some routine work on our car. Oilchange, change of timing belt, change of water pump and a renewal of all our coolant was due. We did all this in a evening-night-shift. The change of the water pump was a bit emergent as we found leaks of coolant in our engine compartment. We were very happy to have finished the rather delicate work successfully and drove on north.

Und hei immer wie meh Wildtier gseh.

And saw more and more wildlife.

Was mir leider nid uf guete Bilder hei si zwöi wyteri Wildtier wo dr Tawan gseh het: e Brunbär wo är usem Outo gseh het am Strasserand uf de Hinterbei stah, woner realisiert het, dasses e Bär isch, isch diese scho am dervo sekkle gsi. Und nomal e Elch.

Tawan saw two more wild animals which we don't have on good pictures: one brown bear, which Tawan saw when driving in the car. The bear was standing on the boarder of the street and when Tawan realized what he was looking at, the bear was already running away. And another moose.

Alti Malereie, ca. 3000 Jahr v.Chr., stelle Elche dra.

Old drawings, dating back around 3000 b.Chr., representing moose.

D Sunne geit mittlerwile churz vor Mitternacht abe und churz nach de 1 wieder uf - es wird nüm dunkel. Wemer de uf dr Wanderig übere Polarkreis gö, wird sie gar nie me untergah.

The sun is setting shortly before midnight and rising around 2 hours later - there's no dawn anymore and we haven't seen the stars in a while. Once we cross the artic circle on our hike, the sun will not set anymore.

Hie simer um Mitternacht no am Fische.

Here we were fishing around midnight.

Mir si mittlerwile in Lappland, vor eire Wuche isch hie no Schnee gläge, mittlerwile isch sehr warm, 25°. Entsprächend si d Flüsse und d See sehr überfluetet mit auem Schnee wo gschmolze isch.

By now we reached Lapland. One week ago snow was still covering most of the area, now it's very warm, 25°. Meaning that the rivers and lakes carry much more water than they normally do, with all the molten snow.

Enorm viu Rentier heimer scho wieder gseh, hie es paar Idrück vo dene Begägnige.

We saw a lot of reindeer lately, some impressions of those occasions:

So gseh üsi Vorbereitige für d Wanderig us.

Now some pictures about the preparations for our hike.

Ghee für d Energieverbesserig vo üsere Trochenahrig.

Ghee will add the required energy to our dryfood.

Zum Glück gits in Schwede e grossi Uswahl an Fertigsauce und Trocke-Härdöpfustock.

In Sweden there's a big variety of sauces and dry mashed potatoes.

O dr Hund wird rägedicht verpackt (und speter wird d Verpackig no verbesseret).

Even our dog is getting a raincover (and later an improvement)



Usprobiere, öb bimre Verletzig minersits de Tawan zwe Rucksäck mögti trage. Umgekehert blibt äuä e Rucksack lige ;-)
Mine wiegt bi voller Beladig 15 kg, am Tawan sine 20 kg, am Freddy sine 3.5 kg.

Tawan wanted to test wheter he is capable of carrying both of our backpacks in a case of me being injured. If he gets injured - I guess once backpack will have to stay behind...
Fully loaded mine weighs around 15 kg and Tawans 20 kg, Freddys 3.5 kg.

Üsi Wanderig söu üs vo Hemavan nach Abisko füehre, öppe 450 km in schwedischer Natur, gröschteteils ohni Empfang und Zivilisation. Es paar chlini Siedlige liege ufem Wäg und gäbe üs d Müglichkeit, ässä ufzfülle. Wenn aues nach Plan louft, starte mir morn (12. Juni) und chöme spetischtens am 12. Juli in Abisko a. Momo blibt ufem Parkplatz vom Naturum in Hemavan wo mir fründlicherwys gratis dörfe z Outo e Monet la stah.

Auso keni Sorge mache we mir dise Monet kes Läbeszeiche vo üs gäbe oder Nachrichte nid benantworte. Miteme Satellitetelefon und Kontakt mit üsne Eltere simer abgsicheret faus öppis sött passiere.

Our hike along Kungsleden will bring us from Hemavan to Abisko, roughly 450 k of swedish nature, large parts without reception or civilisation. We will cross some small settlings along the way, giving us the opportunity to refill our food. If everything runs according to our plan, we will leave tomorrow (12th June) and will arrive in Abisko on 12th July the latest. Momo will remain on a parking lot in Hemavan in front of Naturum where we can kindly park for a whole month for free.

So no worries if you won't hear from us during a month. With a satellite phone we will stay in contact with our parents and are able to reach people in case of an injury or accident.


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