Üsi Zyt imene finnische "Mökki"
O we mirs nie hätte chönne zuegäh het sich nach 4 Wuche täglichem wyterreise e chli Reisemüedigkeit igschliche. Mir si zwar routinierter worde, aber s isch Zyt worde, e Pouse z mache vom ständige Wyter gah. Das het üs emu üse Reisekolleg, dr Freddy mitteilt woner zimlech is Lääre het gluegt..
Even though it would have been hard for us to admit it, after 4 weeks of travelling on each day we have gotten a tiny little bit tired of travelling. Even though we have developped a good routine in our daily life on the road, we have to take a little break. At least our travel buddy, Freddy told us so by staring into empty space...
Üses Glück hets wöuä, dass e Kolleg üs dr Ufenthalt im Feriehuus vo sire Familie abotte het. Finnischi Hüttli nennt mä "Mökki". Mir hei das Agebot gärn agnoh und hei fasch 2 Wuche im wunderschöne Mökki verbracht. A dere Stell es grosses Merci für di liebi u nid säubstverständlichi Gastfründschaft :)
Die folgende Bilder si aui ir nechere Umgäbig und vor auem ufem See direkt vorem Mökki entstande.
Our luck was a very generous offer of a friend who owns a nice cottage in Finland. Finnish cottages are generally called "Mökki". We took the offer and spent almost 2 weeks in that beautiful place. At this place a huge thank you to that kind offer and the hospitality which we don't take for granted. The following pictures are all from the close area and especiall from the lake directly in front of the Mökki.
Gstuunet hei mir nid schlächt, wie viu Fische i däm See läbe und wi viu dervo sich dür üsi Köder hei la verfüehre. S het es paar feini Znacht dervo gäh. Übrigens het dr Tawan nid nume das einte Egli gfange, er het sich eifach nie wöuä la fotografiere :)
We were quite astonished how many fish live in that lake and how many we could decive with our baits. We enjoyed lots of fish for dinner during that time. By the way: Tawan catched much more than the perch in the following picture - he was just a bit camera shy.
Ufem See hets ei einzige Schwan gha. Dür sini wyssi Farb het mä nä immer vo wytem gseh. Er het chli einsam gwürkt u mir hei üs gfragt wieso är nid ane andere See es Partnertier geit ga sueche. Er het sich o sehr schüüch verhalte, we mir mitem Boot necher aus 200 Meter si cho, ischer dervo gschwumme.
On the lake lived one single swan. We always saw it from far because of the shining white feathers. It seemed a bit lonely and we asked ourselves why it doesn't go to another lake to find a partner. It acted very shy. If we came closer than 200 meters on our boat it would rapidly swim away.
I dene zwöi Wuche womer si da gsi hets aber o zwöi Täg gäh wo dr Schwan niene uffindbar isch gsi, beidi mau isches e Mäntig gsi. Mir dänke, dass er denn het müesse ga Ichöif tätige.. ;-)
Es paar mau am Tag (und o ir Nacht!) si schöni Vogelzüg obe düre. Die Kraniche mache (wie scho eismau gseit) zimlech Lärm. Es tönt eigentlich chli so aus würd e Schwarm bäuendi Hünd obe düre flüge. Si sie sich ächt nid ganz einig wo düre? Oder si si mitenand am schimpfe, dass sie z spät los gfloge si?
During the two weeks we spent here there were two days during which we couldn't find the swan. It was a monday at both instances. We guess that Monday is the day it goes grocery shopping :-)
Sometimes during the day (and even at night) beautiful trails of birds flew over our heads. The cranes are quite load birds. It basically sounds like barking dogs who are flying over our heads. We ask ourselves: are they not in agreement about the direction in which to fly? Or are they scolding each other for leaving too late in the year?
D Wäut us dr Perspektive vo de Vögu isch aber wunderschön...
The earth from a birds eye is extremely beautiful...
Uf Spaziergäng rund ums Mökki entdecke mir o einiges, zum Bispiu e zimlech grosse Ameisihuufe
During one of our walks around the Mökki we discovered a huge pile made by ants.
d Finne hei ungloublich viu Blizzer uf ihrne Strasse. Sogar uf dr Waldstrass meine mir eine entdeckt z ha. S het sich aber usegstellt, dass dä kaputt isch und wahrschinlech aus Witz ufghänkt isch worde.
In Finland we saw an incredible amount of speeding cameras. One we even found on a road through the forest. Upon closer inspection we found it to be destroyed and guessed that someone hung it there as a joke.
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