Appizäller, Dolomite und Wien - üsi erschti Etappe

Am 23. Ougschte am spetere Nami si mer gstartet is Abentüür und is Ungwüsse. Mit überhoupt kem Plan wo mir de schlussendlich wärde lande und wie lang mir wärde unterwägs si. Erschte Haut isch mau klar: Appizäll. Dert wärde mir mitere spontane Iladig, ere wunderschöne Ussicht und schönem Sunneunter und -ufgang überrascht. Danke a üsi grosszügige Gaschtgäber!

On 23th of August in the later afternoon we started our adventure into the unknown. We don't really have a plan where to and how long we will be on the road. First stop: Appenzell. We are surprised with a spontaneous invitation, a beautiful view and a nice sunset and sunrise. A big thank you to our hosts!

I de nächschte Täg bewege mir üs in Österrich in Richtig Dolomite, am Momo tüe die länge Fahrstreckine guet, mir merkes am sinkende Dieselverbruch. Womer ir Schwiz mit viu Stop-and-Go-Vercher zu Spitzezite 11.3 L verbrucht hei, simer iz uf 10.2 L. 

During the next few days we travel in Austria in direction of the Dolomits. Momo (our car) is enjoying the long distances we are driving, we realize this also because the diesel consumption is sinking from the usual 11.3 to 10.2 L/100 km.

A däm Abe übernachte mir uf 2'300 m.ü.M. ir Nechi vo de drei Zinnen (Tre Cime). Mä zaut zwar 30 Euro Maut für die Strass ufezfahre, d Ussicht wo mir aber a dem Abe und Morge hei macht das lengschtens wett. 

This night we spend on a hight of 2'300 MSL close to the mountains called "Tre Cime". Even though we payed 30 Euro to drive up the street, the view during the evening and following morning is paying off.

Zu de drei Zinne säuber gömer nid, wüu mir am nächschte Morge mitere riisige Masse Touriste überrannt wärde. Mä würdi hie ire länge Kolone ume Bärg louf, uf das heimer gad ke Luscht u mache üs lieber wyter ufem Wäg in Richtig Wien.

Z Wien kämpfe mir üs zersch düre Stadtvercher für ufe Camping z gah. Während em Outofahre meint dr Tawan, hie wöu är de sicher nid Velo fahre. Zum Glück wage mir üs du glich ufs Velo, wüu so guet usbouti Velowäge heimer no säute gseh. Düre Prater Park isch dr Platz für d Velos und Jogger grösser aus ufere normale Outobahn - 6 Spure het die Allee und isch 4.4 km läng!

We didn't walk up to the "Tre Cime" because during the next morning we are surprised with a huge amount of tourists coming up and hiking up the hill in column. We don't feel like joining them at this moment and want to keep the memorie of the evening as pure as it is. So we travel on in the direction of Wien.
In Wien we fight our way through the traffic towards our campsite. During this battle with traffic Tawan says he's most certainly not gonna use his bicycle in this city. Luckily we dare using the bikes anyway, we find superbroad and comfortable bike-lanes. Best part is the Prater Park where there's more space for bikes and joggers than a highway offers for cars. 6 lanes during a length of 4.4 km!

Wien säuber isch wie vili Houptstädte sehr gschäftig, im Zentrum vou Touriste (mir wette üs nid vorstelle wie das zu normale Zyte zue und här geit) und mir si du nachere churze Stadtrundfahrt ufem Velo froh, wieder chli i d Rueh dörfe z chere.

Wien is - as many capitals are - very busy. The center is filled with tourists (even though we are travelling during the pandemic) and after a city tour on our bikes we are glad to return to the calm of nature. 

A Erfrüschigsmüglichkeite hets auerdings nid gfäut!

We always used the chance to refresh ourselves on these nice water stations.


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